Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Training (& a bit of racing!) Update

The winter is almost over- woohoo.  Not that I don't love winter & this year has been a good one, but there is nothing better than getting outside and riding you bike for 5-6 hours.  But my off season training has been going very well.  I am using spinervals for my bike workouts which is an amazing set of workouts.  I am running between 3-5 times a week with most runs being short bricks.  I am also swimming at least twice a week and really focusing on drill work.  And I am getting to race weight- I bought a tanita scale and it has been invaluable to track my weight, body fat and a few other key data points. 

I am seeing some good early results in the couple of running races I have done.  I am running between 30 and 40 seconds faster a mile compared to last year.  So my top end speed for a 5k distance is now a bit south of a 6 minute mile.  And I won my first race of the season!  I also got to race with the sherpa in the www.roadrelays.org 10K.  We alternated 2.5K laps and we finished second in the Coed Sibling category.

I have just about firmed up my race schedule for the year which is such a fun process- there are so many races I want to do...

More to come soon.