Today was a hard day. After a couple of days of aero base building sets, today was big gear, low cadence work. With some off the bike lunges. My quads feel like they should after this workout- crushed. The good news is I felt great during workout- better than yesterday for sure! Today's program was Spinervals 11. It has a mix of hard effort standing intervals along with 1 minute on (very hard) 1 minute off (easy) intervals. And then during the middle, you get to hop off your bike and do a series of 3X15 lunges- with or without dumbbells. Yeah I went without. But I really like this workout for a couple of reasons; you get to redline your HR a lot- most of the hard intervals I was above LT, you get to practice getting off your bike- sorta like a brick (more on this), and it is a hard day- you know you crushed it (you being the it) when you finish. And of course Coach Troy had a strength training exercise waiting for us when we finished- OUCH.
So more on the brick concept. I did two separate sets of knee lunges- 1 3X15 and 1 2x15. During each, I pulled my feet out of my cycling shoes while at speed, kept pedaling for a few seconds then hopped off the bike. I had a pair of running shoes with Yankz in them to quickly slip on- this was brickish part one. Pulling on running shoes while the HR was high & my legs were rubbery is very much like coming into T2. Then after the crushing sets (yeah no dumbbell for me) (brickish part 2), I removed my sneaks and hopped back on the bike- pedaling with my feet out of the cycling shoes until up to speed. Then I slid each fit into the shoe- very much like mounting the bike leaving T1. So it was good practice- rubber legs, focusing on multiple tasks (speed & shoes) and it really worked the quads. I liked it so much the first time, I decided to do it again- yeah that hurt!
Once I finished the ride, I started part 2 of the workout- strength training. And since I am really concentrating on core work, I did a series of crunch, plank, flutter kicks, leg lifts and twist for 30 minutes of joy.
Time -1:16:19
Distance- 21.81 Miles
AVG HR 138 MAX 179 ( I did about 15 minutes of Cool Down- which definitely pulled my AVG HR down a bit)
Calories 761
Core WU
Time 30:02
4X Crunches
4X Flutter Kicks
4X V Situps
4X Leg Extensions
4X Side Leg Lifts
4X 10 Push Ups (just to get a little in)
4X Plank X 30
3 X Standing Crunch (lift Left Leg to Right arm and reverse)
3 X Twists
3 X Side to side
3 X Squats
Calories- about 250
Today was a good workout. And I am wearing compression socks to aid in recovery. Tomorrow is another aero base builder day and I can't wait for 4:45 AM to roll around!
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