Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 2 of the Spinervals 32 Day challenge

This morning the alarm was set for 5am, but I was up at 4:40. So I decided to answer the call and get moving downstairs to my pain cave. I was looking forward to Day 2 since the workout is one I know well- Spinervals 16.0 Aero Base Builder. It is just under 90 minutes and is a straight forward set with a lot of repetition. And following yesterday's threshold test using Spinverals 27.0- a welcome relief.

But it is not an easy set by any means. You really need to stay focused on the intervals since you need to make sure you stay aerobic and not creep up to AT. It is a good day to spend in the aero bars working on maintaining good form and consistent cadence.

Today was also the first day of using my new Kurt Kinetic Road Machine Fluid trainer. I switched from the Cycleops Fluid2 since the power curves were pretty high- It made staying in a 53-15 near a max effort which for me is not realistic based on my Iron/ Half Iron and Olympic Bike splits. I can easily maintain 20-21 MPH for Half and Full Iron distances and 23-24 for Olympic distances. But on the Cycleops Fluid2 I struggled to maintain 19-20 for more than 5 minutes. So I am keeping the Cycleops to use when I need to mash a big gear/ work on simulating hills, but the Kurt is much more realistic effort/ HR wise (plus I ordered the power meter so I can start monitoring power output).

My numbers this morning:
Time 1:30:03
Distance 27.81
Avg Speed 18.5 (Lots of low resistance, high cadence spinning today!)
Calories 1475
AVG HR 140 (my AT is 158 so I was right where I needed to be - about 10% under threshold)

Good Start to the day!

For more info on the Challenge go to And for more info regarding Cyclops and Kurt Kinetic visit the following sites:


  1. David, Well done! Keep it going!
    - Troy

  2. Awesome!!!! It's really fun knowing that there are a bunch of other folks out there doing the EXACT same workout, many at the same time!

  3. Glad to know about the Cycle Ops vs. the Kinetic. I am using the Cycle Ops and I often have a hard time with the gearing suggested and staying in the correct heart rate zone. Unfortunately, can't afford a new trainer ... but now I won't feel so bad about lightening up when I need to!

  4. @Michelle- yeah it is! Virtual Training on a macro Scale.

    @bandita- When I was on the Cycleops I would definitely have to back off on the gearing- especially in the big ring. When the call was for 53X15, I usually set it to a 53X17 or 53X18. On the Kinetic I do feel much closer to road feel based on effort, HR and gearing.
