Thursday, December 1, 2011

Spinervals 32 Day Challenge & 2012 race schedule

Just a quick note on a couple of updates.

1) I am doing the Spinervals 32 Day Challenge. Day one was today with Spinervals 27.0 Threshold testing. My stats- Weight 181 (which is about 10 pounds over race weight), AVG HR 158, Max 166. So this lines up with previous testing, although using my fluid cyclops fluid 2, I feel like I am pushing more watts that I would on the road. I have a power meter coming- so more to come on that.

If you are interested in joining the challenge visit the spinervals page here-

I will try to post a bit everyday- I am really excited about participating in the challenge!

2) My 2012 race schedule is pretty much dialed in:

March- IM70.3 Puerto Rico
June- Rev3 Quassy Olympic
June-HITS Hunter MTN Half
July- IM 70.3 Rhode Island (Round 2)
August- IM US Championships NYC (mostly NJ!)
August- USAT AG Nat Championships - It is the week after IM NYC, but I have not done the race yet- so maybe since I already qualified for this year
Sept- Toughman Half (Round3)
Sept- IM Pocono Mtn 70.3 (Round 2 and hoping the swim happens!)

I may try to fill in something in April/ May but that is a crazy family time with a lot of kid obligations (which is a good thing).

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